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Saturday, May 28, 2011

A successful trip means planning ahead!

     So I have been away celebrating my son's graduation from Law School and it was absolutely wonderful for my husband and I to share the entire weekend with all three of our sons and family and friends and who flew into DC to be with us.
     These kind of life achievements often are bittersweet for me as they not only herald wonderful accomplishments and deep pride in our sons as they happen, but with them comes the realization that another milestone has come and gone and time is passing at a pace that I find far too fast!  
     I found myself feeling both amazing joy and at times, some sadness, that life can be so fleeting.  One of the difficulties of not living in the same community as our sons is that we don't hear about the day to day goings on as much as I would like and that leads to a sense of time flying by even quicker.  That said, the time with them is so precious and we do pack in lots of fun times!
     So with all of this traveling and the emotions of the trip and the walking and busyness and different beds, you can imagine that the RA was bound to react...I decided to head it off at the pass by prophylacticly taking a higher dose of medrol and then tapering when I got home and it worked!  The only problem I had was that I was stiff from the flight and drive home for about a day and then it was gone and I was even able to do Zumba this week!  
     I really made sure I had comfortable shoes this trip and for the formal evening I got a pair of slip in dressy sandals that although not high heels, worked fine and my feet were very happy!  Lesson learned....choose what makes sense for your joints when traveling from clothing and shoes to medication to the right pace of activities.  I did and this was the best I have felt on a trip in a long time!
Enjoy your next trip and have fun.

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